How old does my child have to be before he/she can be registered for kindergarten?
In Minnesota, children are eligible to attend kindergarten when they are at least 5 years of age by September 1 of the year of entrance into kindergarten.
Does my child need to complete Early childhood screening?
Yes, all incoming kindergarten students are required to complete Early Childhood Screening. Please contact 507-444-7900 to schedule an appointment.
What information is needed to complete the enrollment process?
- Address (with verification documentation) and phone number of residence
- Immunizations records for each child
- Name, address, telephone and fax number of the preschool attended
- Birth certificate or official certificate of age
- Family income information or food stamp (SNAP) case number (if applying for educational benefits)
How do I submit my child's birth certificate and immunization record?
Child's birth certificate and immunization record must be uploaded in online registration or dropped off at the District Office (333 E. School Street) during time of registration.
What if i need an interpreter?
If you wish to speak with an interpreter, please contact:
- Lincoln and Washington Elementaries: Margoth Soto-Chavira (507) 444-8326
- McKinley Elementary: Sylvia Zavala (507) 444-8257
- Wilson Elementary: Carolina Perez (507) 444-8428
- Lincoln, McKinley and Washington Elementaries: Nura Elmi (507) 444-8217
- Wilson Elementary: Fathia Ali (507) 444-8412
When will we have the opportunity to visit the school my kindergartner will attend?
Each elementary school will offer before-school interviews for incoming kindergarten students and their families.
if my child isn't 5 by september 1, can my child be early entered into kindergarten?
School District Policy 540 addresses the criteria, timeline, and testing necessary for potential early entrance into kindergarten. All applications and supporting documents need to be received by the building principal by May 1.
my older children are currently open enrolled in Owatonna Public Schools. Do I need to complete an open enrollment form for my incoming kindergartner?
Yes, each student must have an open enrollment form completed.